ディストピア TOKYO

3.22 Flash mob フラッシュモブ Flash mob 

by on 3月.20, 2009, under タウン情報, デモンストレーション, 映像・表現


【時間】2009年3月22日(日) 午前

【ルール1】自分の好きな本(小説、詩集・歌詞カード、思想書、マンガ、雑誌・機関誌など)を1冊、小さな声、大きな声、 自分に合った方法で11時から読み始め12時に解散。


フラッシュモブ(Flash mob)

English version

With this event we want to criticize the surveillance society which
takes away our ability to trust in others.

【Rule number 1】Bring a book of your choice, and read it
out. It doesn’t matter whether you whisper or shout, whatever way you
prefer. The flash mob will dissolve at 12.
【Rule number 2】Help us create Japan’s biggest flashmob
ever! Let all your friends know: mail, facebook, blog, phone or smoke

【Venue】 Shinjuku Alta Square
【Time】 22/March/2009 11:00-12:00

This event will take place regardless of weather conditions.

A flash mob (or flashmob[1]) is a large group of people who assemble
suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual action for a brief
time, then quickly disperse.

1 Comment for this entry

  • omar

    I would like to contact you about making a flash mob. mail me about it.
    flash mobやりたいと思いますので連絡ください

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