拝啓 ナワル・エル・ムータワキルさま。
by potlatch on 9月.12, 2009, under タウン情報, 声明, 豆知識
国際オリンピック委員会 御中
石原都知事の女性差別発言を許さず、公人の性差別をなくす会 M・N
10 July 2009
Dear International Olympic Committee,
“Tokyo Citizens Against Tokyo Governor Ishihara Shintaro’s Discriminatory Remarks Against Women and for Elimination of Gender Discrimination by Public Officials”is committed to the protection of women’s rights. We write to express our concern over IOC’s assessment of Tokyo as a candidate for the 2016 Olympics.
Ms.Nawal El Moutawakel, chairwoman of IOC’s Evaluation Commission, and other Commissin members visited Tokyo in April 2009 to assess the city’s qualifications to host the event. In an offcial comment made at a regular press conference on 5 June, Tokyo governor Shintaro Ishihara sharply criticized the official poster designed to promote the Tokyo Olympics. To him, the use of a close-up photograph of Ms.El Moutawakel was not effective because “she is not young and is no longer beautiful.”
This statement is an affrort to the honor and dignity of Ms.Moutawakel. Her age and appearance are Ishihara’s concerns, not Ms.El Moutawakel’s role and capacity as Commission Chair.
We believe that the Olympics are the biggest global sports festival thet brings together people from all over the world to promore peace, equality, and friendship regardless of gender, race, and religion. Ishihara’s comments certainly go against the Olympic spirit.
The Japanese capital whose governor has publicly made gender-discriminatory and derogatory remarks is hardly an appropriate candidate to stage the Olympics. We ask that the International Olympic Committee seriously consider the Governor of Tokyo’s blatant discriminatory stand when in the final vote to select the Host City for the 2016 Games.
Tokyo Citizens Against
Tokyo Governor Ishihara Shintaro’s Discriminatory Remarks Against Women
and for Elimination of Gender Discrimination by Public Officials
▼Tokyo Governor Ishihara Makes a Sexist Comment against a Female IOC Member
on Jul 01, 2009
Shintaro Ishihara, Governor of Tokyo, is known for repeatedly making discriminative comments against women and minorities. He did that again — this time against a female member of the IOC committee who is assigned to study adequacy of Tokyo as a hosting city of the next Olympic game.
The remark was made in a press conference held on June 5. complaining about an advertisement material prepared by his office that featured a large picture of Ms. Nawal El Moutawakel, a female member of the International Relations Committee of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), Ishihara stated that “She is not young or very beautiful… though she might be。。beautiful when she was young… Who would be attracted to the picture.. of that woman?”
While making such sexist statement against Ms. El Moutawakel, Ishihara has already spent large amount of tax-payers money for selling Tokyo as a candidate city, including the costs to invite Ms. El Moutawakel. The full record of his statements at the press conference can be found on the website of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.
出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』より
ナワル・エル・ムータワキル (アラビア語: نوال المتوكل、ラテン翻字: Nawal El Moutawakel、1962年4月15日 – )は、モロッコの陸上競技選手である。ロサンゼルスオリンピックではじめて行われた女子400mハードルで54秒61の記録を出し金メダルを獲得した。レース前の予想では地元アメリカ勢やヨーロッパ勢・オーストラリアなどの上位独占が予想され、エル・ムータワキルがメダルを獲得するという予想は少なく、まさに大番狂わせであった。